Friday, January 13, 2006


TV Tacoma production

"First of all, on behalf of John Miller and TV Tacoma (TVT), I want to thank you for the opportunity for us to join the construction tours of Stadium High School last Saturday, January 7th. It is a most impressive project, and we very much appreciated the opportunity to see the progress firsthand and for John to be able to get footage of the work underway, for use in the upcoming TV Tacoma production on the SHS centennial. I am working with John to gather and distill those one hundred years of school history into 30 minutes, a daunting but fascinating process!

As I mentioned to you the morning of the tour, we would like to discuss with you the idea of making a broader appeal to the community, by way of the News-Tribune, for the loan of SHS memorabilia and ephemera (photos - particularly of the last 30-50 years - home movies, programs, recordings, etc.) so that they might be copied/scanned and used in the production.

Prior to working at PLU, I was the historian for Metro Parks Tacoma (MPT) and the Point Defiance Park centennial documentary co-produced with TV Tacoma; such a News-Tribune column by Kathleen Merryman resulted in the loan of some wonderful historical material that we would otherwise not have found and that we were able to incorporate into the production."

Doreen Beard Simpkins
Assistant to the Dean
School of Arts and Communication
Pacific Lutheran University
Tacoma, WA 98447


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