Stadium Bowl
What does the Stadium Bowl mean to you?
Tacoma High School was renamed Stadium High School in honor of this Icon so it does mean something to the students who went there. But this incredible landmark means much more to the City of Tacoma and the State of Washington.
Theodore Roosevelt remarked:
“I know nothing like it, nothing on this side of the water, and nothing abroad. While I had heard of your Stadium, I had no idea of what an extraordinary feature of your municipal life it is.”
Even the president of the United States knew how important this remarkable Stadium was to our community.
The Stadium Bowl has been a part of history not only for Tacoma and the State of Washington, but for many other parts of the country. It has been the scene of innumerable sports and community events. The University of Southern California played its first football game outside the state of California in the Stadium bowl. Oregon State, Texas A & M, Penn State, Gonzaga, PLU, UPS are among the numerous football teams that have played in the bowl. Several presidents have spoken there. John Philip Sousa performed in the bowl. Babe Ruth played an exhibition game there. And list goes on and on.
There have been so many historical events that have happened in the bowl that we felt it only right to honor this icon. It is our hope that you will come help us celebrate the 100th birthday while we try to break another Guinness World record. The two day celebration will include a dedication program much like the ones they held so long ago called “Stadium Days” with students, military, bands and choirs as well as some re-enactments of things that have happened in our bowl. You won't want to miss it! Won’t you please join us and make this incredible historical event one that you will remember for years to come.
Bill Baarsma and Pati Lynn
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